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OpenFields Conference 2019

The 4th Open Fields conference on Artistic Research, Science and Technologies and RIXC Art Science Festival 2019
July 4–7, 2019, Riga

Venue: the National Museum of Art of Latvia

Registration for the 4th Open Fields conference continues

To buy a ticket (as a participant, visitor or press) go to >>>

Early bird standard – 48 EUR (till June 1)
Early bird attendee – 48 EUR (till June 1)
Early bird student – 24 EUR (till June 1)

Standart – 96 EUR
Attendee – 96 EUR
Student – 48 EUR

Tickets will be available until the last conference day July 6, 2019 inclusive.

! Participants: Please buy a ticket and present it at the Open Fields conference registration desk in July.

! Attendees: Please buy a ticket and present it when coming to the conference. Please keep the ticket by the end of the last conference day. The ticket is for all conference days (including keynotes).


The call for the conference proposals IS CLOSED as of March15, 2019, 23.59 EET
The call for the EXHIBITION proposals IS CLOSED as of February 15, 2019, 23.59 EET

Note: Although the system is open (for the conference submissions) the curators won't consider exhibition proposals submitted after the deadline, thank you for your interest, we highly appreciate that.

The 2019 RIXC Festival 2019 aims at complicating the pervasively employed notion of “green” by providing a cross-disciplinary platform for the discussions and artistic interventions exploring one of the most paradoxical and broadest topics of our times. The festival will feature the “Un/Green” exhibition opening that takes place in the Latvian National Museum of Art, and the 4th Open Fields conference which aims to ‘un-green greenness', 'eco-systemically' reconnect 'post-human postures', and discover and unpack ‘Naturally Artificial Intelligences.’

'Green’, symbolically associated with the ‘natural’ and employed to hyper-compensate for what humans have lost, needs to be addressed as the most anthropocentric of all colours, in its inherent ambiguity between alleged naturalness and artificiality. Are we in control of ‘green’? Despite its broadly positive connotations, ‘green’ incrementally serves the uncritical desire of fetishistic and techno-romantic naturalization in order to metaphorically hyper-compensate for indeed material systemic biopolitics consisting of the increasing technical manipulation and exploitation of living systems, ecologies, and the biosphere at large.

“Swamp Radio. Wireless Intelligent EcoSystems”. Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits, 2018-2019.


Alongside “green”, the central topic of this conference, the Open Fields 2019 organizers also welcome visionary and critically ungreen, spectral-prismatic, post-anthropocentric, socio-algorithmic proposals by artists, scientists, researchers and experts from different academic disciplines and professional fields.

July 4–7, 2019
Riga, The National Museum of Art / Cesis, Rucka Artist Residency / Talsi, RIXC Fields Residency


EXTENDED DEADLINE for Conference Proposal submissions: March 15, 2019

You may submit proposals with regards to the following topics / sections:

* green/ungreen – 'symbolic green, ontological greenness and performative greening'
* biopolitics and ecotopia – beyond the anthropocene, towards multispecies relation

* ‘green’ intelligence – environment and naturally AI within algorithmic societies
* post-anthropocentric visions – 'nature culture' and eco-critique
* sensible ‘green’ – beyond the  visual: acoustic, olfactive, chemical, etc.
* biosphere and technosphere - techno-ecological perspective of our planet and in Space
* prismatic – color theories, light and perception

The proposal should consist of title, 5–6 keywords, abstract (up to 200 words), and biography (up to 120 words, in 'Comments' field).



UN/GREEN (Ungreening Greenness)

Riga, The National Museum of Art
July 5 – September 20, 2019

CLOSED! The call for the Artwork Proposals for the Un/Green Exhibition is closed (as of February 15, 2019, 23.59 EET).

– please submit your artwork proposal under the section:

* un/green exhibition – artworks

The proposal should consist of title, short description (up to 200 words), biography (up to 120 words, in 'Comments' field), and a link to a video (1–3 min).

OPEN FIELDS conference chairs / Un/Green exhibition curators: Raitis SMITS, Rasa SMITE, Jens HAUSER.

OPEN FIELDS Conference International Scientific Board:

Prof. Lev MANOVICH / Cultural Analytics Lab / The Graduate Center, City University of New York, US
Dr. Ellen PEARLMAN / Parsons / New School / Art-A-Hack / ThoughtWorks / New York, USA
Prof. Kristin BERGAUST / OsloMet-Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Ph.D. Jussi PARIKKA / Winchester School of Art / University of Southampton / UK
Ph.D. Geoff COX / Plymouth University, UK
Assoc. Prof. Laura BELOFF / IT University, Copenhagen / Finnish Bioart Society, Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Lily DIAZ-KOMMONEN / Head of Research Department of Media, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Ursula DAMM / Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
Dr. Vytautas MICHELKEVICIUS / Nida Art Colony, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania
Ph.D. Margrét Elísabet ÓLAFSDÓTTIR / Art Education at the University of Akureyri, Iceland
Dr. Ilva SKULTE / Riga Stradins University, Latvia
Dr. Piibe PIIRMA / Tallinn University / Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Ph. D. Raivo KELOMEES / Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia


The festival is organized by RIXC Center for New Media Culture. The conference is co-organized by Art Research Lab / Liepaja University, RISEBA, Art in Society / OsloMET, and other Un/Green Project partners.

Contact:, +371 67228478 (RIXC office), +371 26546776 (Rasa Smite) (festival and conference website)



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